There are many ways to achieve a reliable fire control system. First make sure you have all your parts, picture number one shows them all ready to go. You of course need the trigger, hammer, disconnector, trigger spring, hammer spring, disconnector spring and trigger pins. I like to have my stock, pistol grip, safety and associated pins installed as gives me a lot of stuff to hold on to as twist and turn the lower to get parts in place. No real tools are necessary but I really like the Brownells Trigger Pin Tool as it makes getting parts aligned and installed much easier and is easy to get a good grip on. Put trigger spring on trigger and disconnector spring stuck in hole as pictured (click on any pic for larger view) and drop trigger into place with legs of springs pointing forward. Now you will appreciate the stock and pistol grip hold onto assembly and grab trigger till get aligned with pin holes so able to insert pin or pin tool. I generally get the trigger lined up and pin tool inserted before try to position disconnector.
Now I have the pin tool inserted though the trigger thus its in its proper place and centered up with minimum fuss. Next use the trigger pin to push the pin tool back till pin is holding one side of the trigger and retract the tool leaving room to wiggle the disconnector itnto place. I use the pin tool to push against until disconnector is properly centered as much easier to work with than a little pin. Once this is done use the pin to push the tool out and easy peasy the trigger is installed. If you have installed a trigger stop to eliminate creep this will have to be repeated a few times as adjust the grub screw but that is covered on the milspec trigger enhancement page.
Customizing A Milspec Trigger
Now is the final step of installing the hammer. Make sure hammer spring is installed on hammer correctly and position legs of hammer spring toward rear of receiver on top of trigger pin. One leg will sit in trigger pin notch to hold pin in place. If installed correctly there is no need for expensive anti-walk trigger pins. 40 years of playing with AR 15's have never had a pin walk out of place. With spring legs oriented properly it takes a little effort to get hammer in right place and the pin tool plus good light source is your friend. Once have tool inserted through hammer and in place use the pin to push tool back out, make sure all spring legs are sitting in proper place and you should be done. Cock hammer by hand and using hand or rubber/plastid stop to keep it from striking back of magazine well make sure it operates properly with safety both on and off. Your done and ready to mate upper if rest of lower is assembled.
Installing Custom Triggers
Our milspec trigger is now installed and tested. Normally you will expect a 6.5 to 8.5 pound trigger pull but since this trigger was totally massaged with a professional hammer and sear jig and used a set of custom springs have a lot of experience with once lubricated and cycled a few times have a no creep, clean breaking 3.2 pound trigger. The trigger used in this is one of the AR Stoner units purchased from Midway when on sale for $20 and when see a sale like that on good quality milspec triggers load my cart. Add a $10 JP spring kit and have $30 in a tirgger would pay close to a $100 for an equivalent custom unit. If want to know how we got here visit the milspec trigger customization page.
How To Tune Your Milspec TriggeR SOON
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