One of the worst feelings in the world is to watch someone go into a severe allergic reaction to a insect sting and not be able to do anything for them.  Every medical kit should have an Epi-Pen just for this occasion.  This simple and inexpensive automatic injection unit is a required item.  Do not leave home without one even if you are not personally allergic to stings.  For minor irritation from insect stings I use StingEze.  This reduces the discomfort enough for most minor bites.

   When it comes to poison ivy I waste no time.  A cycle of oral Prednisone wipes it completely out.  This drug has many other uses and precautions so be sure to learn your pharmacology.  For general allergies that can accompany regional changes I use Benadryl or Claritin according to how long I will be needing to take it.
